Tuesday Apr 11, 2023
Tuesday Apr 11, 2023
Hello everybody
This is the final episode in our mini-series on heuristics. In this episode, I present our conceptual model that explains how information systems may help firms develop efficient heuristics. Yet, the number of heuristics may go at odds with the cognitive load. If would want to know more, read our paper: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/344743908_The_Role_of_Information_Systems_for_Firm-wide_Heuristics_Development
Enjoy, comment, subscribe, and share - it does matter!
Eugene (Yevgen)
Monday Apr 03, 2023
Management Research: Relational Models as Heuristics
Monday Apr 03, 2023
Monday Apr 03, 2023
Hello everybody
In this episode, I present you with one of our theories. We apply the Relational Models Theory in the firm domain. We argue that each relational model can be seen as a set of heuristics that might help firms increase the quality of communication within the team and reduce the number of conflicts. In our paper, we also deduce the quality of a firm's IT capability based on the congruency of relationships within a firm. If you want to know more, try our paper: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/344744083_Understanding_microfoundations_of_IT_capability_using_anthropologic_heuristics
Enjoy, share, and comment - it does matter!
Eugene (Yevgen)
Monday Mar 27, 2023
Management Research: Universal Heuristics at an Organisational Level
Monday Mar 27, 2023
Monday Mar 27, 2023
Hello and welcome
Today we talk about the universal heuristics at the level of an organisation. Together with my colleague Professor Jürgen Moormann, we wrote a paper where we argue that there is something like System 1 processes, intuitive processes that run at the level of an organisation. More details in this episode!
Enjoy, subscribe, share, and comment - it does matter!
Eugene (Yevgen)
Monday Mar 20, 2023
Management Research: Individual Heuristics at an Organisational Level
Monday Mar 20, 2023
Monday Mar 20, 2023
Welcome to the next episode in our mini-series on heuristics!
Today, we approach the rules that organisations develop individually to address the complexity of decision-making. I call these heuristics - individual heuristics at the organisational level. In the next episode, we will talk about universal organisational heuristics.
Enjoy, share, subscribe, and provide your examples of the heuristics in the comments section below.
Eugene (Yevgen)
Monday Mar 13, 2023
Management Research: Individual Heuristics at an Individual Level
Monday Mar 13, 2023
Monday Mar 13, 2023
Hello and welcome!
Finally, I continue with my mini-series on heuristics! This time, we talk about one of our papers, where we proposed to classify heuristics at individual and organisational levels, each containing individual and universal heuristics types. So, yes, it sounds weird - "individual individual level heuristics" but it seems to be correct. Each individual applies universal heuristics (those that I mentioned in one of my previous episodes, e.g. take-the-first or take-the-best heuristics) as well as s/he might have her/his individual explicit rules of thumb, such as "never touch a running system". The logic of System 1 information processing will still apply. You can discover more about this idea in this episode!
Enjoy, share, comment - e.g. share your rules of thumb with my listeners.
Eugene (Yevgen)
Monday Mar 06, 2023
Management Research: Fututres Literacy - Mika Story
Monday Mar 06, 2023
Monday Mar 06, 2023
Hello everybody
Today, I share a story that appeared as a part of one of the tasks during a future(s) literacy workshop. In this task, participants have to change (or receive a change from the moderator) one of the main assumptions in our worldview. E.g. "what if there is no money?", "what if there is no competition?", "what if we cannot see the stars anymore?", or "what if research is not sponsored centrally but needs to collect via platforms like Kickstarter?". Your team has to write a story that elucidates what will happen to the rest of the world.
This episode is a short summary of our story about a young researcher Mika who discovered that the only way to collect money for her research is to announce her topic via Kickstarter-like platforms.
Enjoy, comment, share your thoughts about your vision of this future and... let me know if you want to have more episodes on storytelling!
Eugene (Yevgen)
Monday Feb 27, 2023
Management Research: Futures Literacy vs Path Dependency
Monday Feb 27, 2023
Monday Feb 27, 2023
Welcome to the next episode of my podcast!
I decided to take a short break from our mini-series on heuristics. This and the next episode are dedicated to the topic of futures literacy. I have recently attended a futures literacy workshop and would like to share some thoughts with you.
I am going to talk about a theoretical contradiction between future(s) and path dependency. I am eager to hear your opinion about the topic in the comments section below. Or drop me an email with your ideas.
Enjoy, comment, share, and subscribe - it does matter!
Eugene (Yevgen)
Monday Feb 20, 2023
Management Research: A Heuristic on How to Select Whiskey
Monday Feb 20, 2023
Monday Feb 20, 2023
Hello everybody
As promised, I would like to share a situation where we applied the heuristics approach (System 1 thinking) to make a good decision. Moreover, System 2 thinking could not help us in this situation. The situation was a selection of a souvenir from Schotland - whiskey. Probably, some whiskey lovers would not agree with our approach but some would (and did when I talked to some business people during my seminar on heuristic decision-making in business).
I hope this approach will help you in your decision-making. Next week, I plan to explain the difference between individual and universal heuristics and how to become efficient and effective.
Enjoy, comment (e.g. share your experience), share, and subscribe - it does matter!
Eugene (Yevgen)
Tuesday Feb 14, 2023
Management Research: Heuristics Examples
Tuesday Feb 14, 2023
Tuesday Feb 14, 2023
Hello, my dear friends, guests, and followers!
Today, I continue talking about the topic of heuristics. At the moment, we still remain at the individual level. But in a few episodes, we will move towards organisational heuristics.
Today, I will provide you with some examples. Enjoy, apply, share, and subscribe - it does matter!
Eugene (Yevgen)
Monday Feb 06, 2023
Management Research: Heuristics as a Necessary Evolutionary Mechanism
Monday Feb 06, 2023
Monday Feb 06, 2023
Hello dear listeners
Today, I talk again about heuristics. This time, however, we take the point of view of Gerd Gigerenzer - a big proponent of Systems 1 thinking. Professor Gigerenzer criticised the approach by Kahneman and Tversky and showed how to "make the bias disappear".
Enjoy and apply this approach to make good/better decisions!
Eugene (Yevgen)