Monday Jun 19, 2023
Management Research: Relational Models Theory - Measurement Issues
Monday Jun 19, 2023
Monday Jun 19, 2023
Hello and welcome, dear listeners!
Today, I finalise the mini-series on the Relational Models Theory. I talk about the measurement issues. Usually, we used the questionnaire from the paper of @Haslam and @Fiske in 1999. Yet, we encountered (and keep encountering) issues with the measurement. Recently, @Zakharing and @Bates (2023) made an overview of the case and proposed some suggestions. Yet, the measurement issue also reflects the practitioners' problem - some relational models are hard to distinguish and conflicts appear.
If you want to know more, listen to the episode, leave your comments, and share your experience in the comments section.
Eugene (Yevgen)
Monday Jun 12, 2023
Management Research: Relational Models Theory - IT Capability & Heuristics
Monday Jun 12, 2023
Monday Jun 12, 2023
Today, I continue elaborating on the #relationalmodelstheory. In our recent paper with Professor Jürgen Moormann, we showed that the relational models theory can be used to understand and shape interrelationships in IT teams that, in turn, might strengthen the IT capability of a firm. Theoretically, if you, as a project manager, signal what kind of relationships the team will have, the interactions will become more efficient and effective. Consequently, the IT capability will be strong. If you prefer the "Láissez-fáire" approach, the misunderstandings and conflicts within your team will undermine the IT capability. The same might happen if the relational models expectations set by your company go at odds with those preferred by your team.
Do you want to know more?
Listen to this episode, #share, #comment, and #subscribe - it does matter!
Eugene (Yevgen)
PS: Our paper: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/344744083_Understanding_microfoundations_of_IT_capability_using_anthropologic_heuristics
Sunday Jun 04, 2023
Management Research: Relational Models Theory - Signalling
Sunday Jun 04, 2023
Sunday Jun 04, 2023
Welcome, dear friends and colleagues,
In this episode, I continue elaborating on #conflicts and how to avoid them using the #relationalmodelstheory. #relationships is a complex issue and it is sometimes hard to understand what the #parties expect from each other. Yet, our theory helps us understand the actions that we can interpret as signals concerning the other party's preferences.
In this episode, I share two situations that elucidate how to (mis)interpret the signals from your friends (or colleagues, or neighbours, or your family members). Feel free to share your thoughts concerning these situations and your life situations in #comments. #share your experience and #share this episode with those whom you would like to help.
Eugene (Yevgen)
Monday May 29, 2023
Management Research: Relational Models Theory - Concerning Conflicts
Monday May 29, 2023
Monday May 29, 2023
Hello dear friends and colleagues
As promised, I dedicate this #podcast #episode to #conflicts. There are many reasons for conflicts as well as there are plenty of theories that explain the mechanisms of conflicts' appearance. I want to share with you an explanation of why misunderstandings might appear due to the relational models' mismatch. If you listened to the previous episode from this mini-series on the #relationalmodelstheory, you are well equipped for today's episode.
Enjoy, share, comment, and subscribe - it does matter to me. Moreover, what if this episode will help one of your friends or colleagues avoid a conflict? Sharing the and the previous episodes might help ;)
Eugene (Yevgen)
Sunday May 21, 2023
Management Research: Relational Models Theory - Our Preferences
Sunday May 21, 2023
Sunday May 21, 2023
Dear friends and colleagues
In this episode of our mini-series on #RelationalModels, we discuss our preferences concerning model selection. Indeed, our personal, cultural, and professional backgrounds impact the mode of #relations we prefer when interacting with other people.
This episode prepares us for the next episode, where we will discuss why #conflicts appear and how to prevent them.
Enjoy, #subscribe, #comment, and #share - it does matter!
Eugene (Yevgen)
Tuesday May 16, 2023
Management Research: Relational Models Theory - Market Pricing
Tuesday May 16, 2023
Tuesday May 16, 2023
Dear listeners
In my today's episode, I talk about the last (fourth) model of relationships proposed by @Alan Fiske in his #ReltaionalModelsTheory. This is the model, that we learn last in our life, at the age of 14+ (please check the initial paper of Fiske (1991), it's been a while since I read it). Anyway, this is the model that is usually associated with the relationships in firms, i.e. business relationships. Yet, I observed this model in different settings, also in a family.
I hope you will find this episode interesting. In the next episodes, we may talk about the reasons for conflicts and how to avoid them using the Relational Models Theory.
Enjoy, #share, #comment, and #subscribe - it does matter to me!
Eugene (Yevgen)
Monday May 08, 2023
Management Research: Relational Models Theory - Authority Ranking
Monday May 08, 2023
Monday May 08, 2023
Hello and welcome to the next episode in my #podcast mini-series on #relationalmodelstheory!
Today, we focus on the asymmetric model of #relationships - authority ranking. When I explain this model to my students, I ask them to think about #military services, where an officer has more power but also more responsibility than a soldier. Yet, this model can be found in different relationships such as #families and #firms.
Enjoy, #comment, #share, and #subscribe - it does matter!
Eugene (Yevgen)
Monday May 01, 2023
Management Research: Relational Models Theory - Equality Matching
Monday May 01, 2023
Monday May 01, 2023
Hello and welcome to my next episode dedicated to the Relational Models Theory!
Today, I continue my mini-series on Relational Models - a concept stemming from an anthropological theory. In his observations, Alan Fiske proposed four models of relationships: communal sharing, equality matching, authority ranking, and market pricing. In my today's episode, I talk about the equality matching model of relationships.
Enjoy, comment, subscribe, and share - it does matter!
Eugene (Yevgen)
Tuesday Apr 25, 2023
Management Research: Relational Models Theory - Communal Sharing
Tuesday Apr 25, 2023
Tuesday Apr 25, 2023
Hello and welcome to the next #podcast episode of my new mini-series on the Relational Models Theory (#relationalmodelstheory).
Today, I talk about the first of four models (or modes) of #relationships as proposed by Professor @Alan Fiske - Communal Sharing. When I explain the #CommunalSharing model to my students, I ask them to imagine an "archetypical" or "ideal" vision of a family in our society. Initially, the idea came from #primitivetribes many thousand years ago - when each member of the tribe was responsible for the tribe's survival.
#Enjoy, #subscribe, #share, and #comment - it does matter!
Eugene (Yevgen)
Monday Apr 17, 2023
Management Research: Relational Models Theory - An Overview
Monday Apr 17, 2023
Monday Apr 17, 2023
Welcome dear listeners
In one of my last episodes on heuristics, I referred to the Relational Models Theory and suggested listening to the episodes dedicated to the theory. And then I discovered that I planned to but did not record any episodes on this fascinating theory. Today, I've corrected the mistake by starting a new mini-series on the Relational Models Theory - a very powerful theory that social sciences inherited from anthropology.
Enjoy, subscribe, comment, and share - it does matter!
Eugene (Yevgen)