Saturday Nov 11, 2023
Management Research: Games People Play - Kick Me Game
Saturday Nov 11, 2023
Saturday Nov 11, 2023
Hello dear listeners!
Today, I give you an #example of a #psychological #game called "Kick Me" in the book of Eric Berne. This game is about #victim #behaviour. It also explains why the #victim - #aggressor #relationships are relatively stable and even tend to get entrenched in people's behaviour and even become a lifestyle. If you know "victims" - those to whom something constantly happens and who say "Why is it always happening to me?!", you might be interested in this episode.
Good luck and don't forget to share this episode with people you value. Feel free to subscribe and comment to share your ideas and give me inspiration for the next episodes!
Eugene (Yevgen)
Saturday Nov 04, 2023
Management Research: Games People Play - Psychological Games
Saturday Nov 04, 2023
Saturday Nov 04, 2023
Welcome to the next episode in my mini-series dedicated to #psychological #games as suggested by worldwide known #psychoanalyst Eric #Berne. In this episode, I briefly explain game dynamics and provide an example of a (as to my experience) trendy psychological game played in the office. This game, as well as many other games, leads to the emotional exhaustion of one of the parties participating in this game, unfortunately.
Listen to this episode to avoid this #trap and to understand in which situations your conversation is not a true conversation but just a collection of #psychological moves aiming at #suppression or evoking #anger.
Enjoy, #share, #comment, and #subscribe - it does matter!
Eugene (Yevgen)
Wednesday Nov 01, 2023
Management Research: Games People Play - Congruent Modes of Relatioships
Wednesday Nov 01, 2023
Wednesday Nov 01, 2023
Hello, dear listeners!
I am happy to post the next episode in my mini-series on #psychologicalgames as suggested by Eric #Berne. In this #episode, we talk about the #congruent modes of relationships - those that do not cause conflicts. At the end, we also shortly address the two types of #incongruent #relationships - those that usually lead to #conflicts.
Feel free to share your observations in the comments section - I am eager to know whether the suggestions by Eric Berne hold for your observations.
Good luck and don't forget to subscribe, share, and comment - it does matter!
Eugene (Yevgen)
Sunday Oct 22, 2023
Sunday Oct 22, 2023
Hello and welcome to my next episode in the mini-series dedicated to #psychological #games as postulated by Eric #Berne!
In this episode, I discuss the key element in this #theory - three #ego states. Berne argues that in any conversation it is not only person A is talking to person B but at a meta-level one of the ego states of person A communicates with the ego state of person B. Berne suggests three #egos - #Child-I, #Parent-I, and #Adult-I. Consequently, no matter what is being said, the #conversation can run between two children, two parents, two adults, or a parent and a child.
This element is crucial to understanding why we sometimes end up with #conflicts or how #psychilogocialgames come to life. About these topics, I will talk in the next episode of my #podcast.
Please share, comment, and subscribe - it does matter!
Eugene (Yevgen)
Saturday Oct 14, 2023
Management Research: Games People Play - Introduction to the Theory of Eric Berne
Saturday Oct 14, 2023
Saturday Oct 14, 2023
Hello and welcome, dear listeners!
Today, I start a new #podcast mini-series dedicated to the #transactional #analysis as postulated by @Eric Berne. His ideas may help you understand the issues in #communication and prevent #conflicts in your #team or even in your #privatelife.
In this episode, I briefly introduce the #scholar. In the next episode, we will talk about his #theory and how it can be observed in #humancommunication.
Wish you all the best! Don't forget to #subscribe, #comment, and #share this episode with your friends and #colleagues!
Eugene (Yevgen)
Sunday Oct 08, 2023
Sunday Oct 08, 2023
Hello dear friends
Today, I finalise my #podcast mini-series on #causalmapping - a method to measure how people think. In this #episode, I discuss the #positivism and #constructuvism. The episode is not about the #philosophy of #research but how this #methodology could be #published. I concluded that #causal #mapping may be a good fit for those who try to pursue the #mixedmethods approach. The reason is that causal mapping is easy to understand for both types of reviewers and might be your way out of the conflicts with #reviewers.
Good luck with your research!
Eugene (Yevgen)
Sunday Oct 01, 2023
Sunday Oct 01, 2023
Hello and welcome!
Today, I discuss what to do with the #data you collected with a #causalmap. You will have many distances from each person to all others (like a #correlation table). In our #dataanalysis, we applied #clustering - we clustered people based on their #similarity regarding the #mental #models. Later, you can use this cluster variable as your #dependentvariable when you look at what #causes similarity between people. Or you can use the cluster variable as a predictor, i.e. look at the consequences for #like-minded people. If it is not fully clear from my talk (I was a bit too emotional about our #findings), feel free to read our #academic #paper!
Good luck with your investigations!
Eugene (Yevgen)
Our paper:
Citation: Bogodistov, Y., Botts, M., & Schlatterer, F. (2019). Values congruence in multicultural groups: the causal mapping method. Journal for Multicultural Education, 13(1), 33-50.
Saturday Sep 23, 2023
Research Methods: Measuring How People Think - Operationalisation of a Causal Map
Saturday Sep 23, 2023
Saturday Sep 23, 2023
Hello, dear friends, colleagues, researchers, and students
In this episode, I talk about the #practicalsteps of #settingup a #causalmap in a #survey #software, such as @limesurvey, @qualtrics, or similar. After you have developed your theory and created a list of items, you need to know what to do with it and how to implement it in the available survey tool.
Drop me an email, if you need the plugin - I believe I should have it somewhere ;)
Good luck with your #research!
Eugene (Yevgen)
Sunday Sep 17, 2023
Research Methods: Measuring How People Think - Comparing Causal Maps
Sunday Sep 17, 2023
Sunday Sep 17, 2023
Hello and welcome
In this episode, I talk about how to #compare #causalmaps of two different people. There is a #formula that you can find in the papers that I list below. In the episode, I explain the logic behind the #measurement. Even though the procedure might look "scary", it is a simple calculation of the distances as you count the #distance between two dots on the #coordinatesystem. If you understand the logic behind the formula, you will quickly understand how the #calculation is performed.
Good luck with your #investigation!
Here are the links:
1. Our paper with a simplified formula for our specific purposes:
Citation: Bogodistov, Y., Botts, M., & Schlatterer, F. (2019). Values congruence in multicultural groups: the causal mapping method. Journal for Multicultural Education, 13(1), 33-50.
2. Initial paper with the formula:
Markíczy, L., & Goldberg, J. (1995). A method for eliciting and comparing causal maps. Journal of management, 21(2), 305-333.
Eugene (Yevgen)
Sunday Sep 10, 2023
Sunday Sep 10, 2023
Hello and welcome to the next episode on my sub-channel "Research Methods"!
Indeed, we #analyse not only topics from #managementresearch but also how to conduct this #research. Today, I continue talking about a specific #researchmethod - Causal Mapping. #causalmapping is a method that allows you to depict a #mentalmodel of an individual and even compare different individuals based on their #mental model.
In this episode, I talk about two ways to develop a list of items for the further evaluation of mental models: based on qualitative interviews and based on literature.
Enjoy, #share, #comment, #subscribe, and #like - it does matter!
Eugene (Yevgen)